

Category: Injectable Steroids
Substance: Nandrolone phenylpropionate (NPP)
Package: 10 ampoules (100mg/ml)
Manufacturer: Maxtreme


Nandrolone Phenylpropionate also known as NPP is a 10 ampoule 100mg/ml injectable steroid manufactured by Maxtreme Pharma.

It is based on the substance nandrolone phenylpropionate, also known as NPP. This substance is a form of the legendary nandrolone. Phenylpropionate has the same properties as decanoate, the only difference being its more rapid release into the bloodstream. The product has proved its worth among professional bodybuilders and athletes. Buy a high-quality product with fast delivery in Australia

NPP effects

The drug is renowned for its ability to improve collagen synthesis in the body. In addition, administration of the active ingredient into the bloodstream provokes the accumulation of calcium in the bone skeleton. NPP is also good for tendons, ligaments and bones, as well as having an anti-inflammatory effect. The product is very popular among athletes with injuries and some problems with joints and ligaments. The following positive effects of the product are also highlighted:

  • Promotes increased protein synthesis
  • Has a high anti-catabolic effect
  • Improves absorption of amino acid chains from the small intestine
  • Stimulates appetite.
  • Accentuated muscle growth
  • Strengthened bones
  • Elimination of joint pain through increased production of joint fluid (joint lubricant).
  • Increase in red blood cell mass, which leads to improved oxygen transport
  • Improvement of immune defence (applies even to people with AIDS)

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate cycle

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate has a rather short half-life, which makes it necessary to inject more often, at least twice a week. The injections are usually given every 3-4 days. The average dose is 100 mg per injection. The total weekly dosage of nandrolone usually does not exceed 300-400 mg per week. Nandrolone phenylpropionate is almost always combined with other steroids to create a synergistic effect, and the dosage of nandrolone is reduced.

Cures: Nandrolone phenylpropionate is often combined with Turinabol, Methandrostenolone, Winstrol, testosterone propionate, and Masteron. Often even 3 drugs at once are combined, for example: Turinabol + Nandrolone Phenylpropionate + Winstrol (it is better not to use several oral drugs at once and always use testosterone, at least in small doses, when the cycle lasts more than 4-5 weeks), in this case the total dosage of steroids is reduced.

NPP side effects

Aromatisation when taking nandrolones is negligible, so most side effects are due to an increase in prolactin. High doses cause severe water accumulation in the body and high blood pressure. Unreasonable dosages and prolonged use of the drug cause a significant increase in prolactin in the body, which contributes to the appearance of gynecomastia. Gynecomastia caused by the use of nandrolone does not itch and does not make the nipples itchy; it is only swollen and thickened. High blood prolactin levels produced by nandrolone are the reason for the decrease in libido. Cabergoline (Dostinex) has been used successfully to lower prolactin levels.

Nandrolones to a large extent lead to the inhibition of gonadotropin production and a decrease in endogenous testosterone levels, which leads to a long recovery time after the cycle. Nandrolones (especially nandrolone decanoate) are not drugs for beginners and amateurs in bodybuilding but serve only as a base in a competitive career.

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