

Category: Weight Loss
Substance: Liothyronine (T3)
Package: 25mcg (100 pills)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma


T3 by Dragon Pharma is an oral steroid containing the active substance Liothyronine Sodium. Liothyronine is a synthetic version of the thyroid hormone, Triiodothyronine (T3), that helps to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, has a positive effect on the kidneys and liver, and normalizes metabolic processes. Athletes use T3 to accelerate the breakdown of fat cells.

Effects of T3

When used correctly, you can expect the following effects:

  • A boost in the metabolic processes.
  • Reduction of appetite.
  • Fights insomnia.
  • Increased endurance.
  • Stimulation of the processes of breaking down fat cells.
  • Improved function of the central nervous system.
  • Increased heat production.

T3 cycle

The dosage and cycle duration of T3 should be calculated individually for each person. On average, the duration of a cycle should not exceed 6 weeks. It is recommended to begin with a minimal dose (25mcg or 1 tablet), which allows you to stop the cycle promptly in case any side effects occur. If there is no sign of side effects, the dosage can be gradually increased after 4-7 days. The maximum dosage should not exceed 100mcg. Once the maximum dosage has been reached, it should be gradually reduced. The recommended duration of the cycle is up to 6 weeks.

Those who want to get the most benefits from the cycle without experiencing side effects can use a combined cycle. The use of beta-blockers in a cycle will minimize the burden on the heart. In some cases, experts may recommend using T3 with Clenbuterol. The drug can be used in combination with a steroid in a drying cycle.

Side effects of T3

Some potential side effects from the use of T3 are:

  • Anxiety
  • Blurred or double vision.
  • Arm, back, jaw or chest pain.

However, side effects generally occur with excessive or incorrect dosage and will usually disappear when the dose is reduced, or treatment is stopped.

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