

Category: Anti-Oestrogens
Substance: Clomiphene citrate (Clomid)
Package: 50mg (50 pills)
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma

SKU: 570 Category:



Promifen by Alpha Pharma is Clomiphene Citrate (also known by Clomid). The drug in question is an anti-estrogen belonging to the group of triphenylethylenes. It is classified as a selective estrogen receptor modulator with a mixed agonist and antagonist effect. The main reason why Clomid is widely used in bodybuilding is its ability to block the action of estrogen, which is achieved by binding the active substance to receptors in certain tissues.

In men, Clomiphene acts as an anti-estrogen, preventing negative feedback of female hormones, on the hypothalamus. It also stimulates increased secretion of GnRH (gonadoliberin). All this increases the production of testosterone (the main male hormone) by the testes. The listed properties of Clomid prevent the risk of gynaecomastia (breast growth in men) and fluid accumulation.

Effects of Clomid

The drug is used by athletes in post-cycle therapy (PCT), to start the processes of natural testosterone production. Timely intake of this drug will minimize the rollback phenomenon. Clomiphene Citrate also binds to oestrogen receptors at the cellular level, thereby binding them in the blood.

With clomid, athletes and bodybuilders can minimise all the unwanted effects of taking anabolic drugs.

Clomid is an excellent option for:

  • Eliminating gynaecomastia (female-type enlargement of the pecs).
  • Stimulation of the production of luteinizing and follicle stimulating hormones. It is they contribute to the natural production of testosterone, affecting the production in the testicles of male hormone.
  • Blocking estrogen receptors in the body.
  • Effectively combating the elimination of retained fluid.
  • Enhancing erectile function. Given the serious effects of the drug on sperm production in the male testicles, it is particularly important for athletes systematically taking anabolic steroids. In this sense, clomid is an irreplaceable thing.

Important: after ending the use of clomid, stimulation of testosterone production stops, and its quantity is normalized. The effectiveness of the product has been confirmed by dozens of clinical trials in athletes aged from 18 to 55 years old who have been taking anabolic steroids for a long time. Testosterone levels doubled in just two weeks after taking clomid.

Clomid use

The last week of the cycle and two weeks thereafter should be marked by taking Clomid as the main component of the PCT. If for some reason you have not been able to purchase Proviron, you should start using Clomid in the second week of the steroid cycle and finish it 2-3 weeks after the cycle. There is an opinion among beginners that anti-estrogens should be used only after the cycle, but this is a misconception. The matter is that level of an estrogen in blood raises after the first week of a cycle, therefore Clomid in bodybuilding is necessary at this point. The average daily dose ranges from 10 to 20 mg. The drug can be taken in the morning or before going to bed.

Side effects of Clomid

Like other steroid drugs, Clomid has its disadvantages:

  • it inhibits the production of insulin-like growth factor-1
  • significantly inhibits testicular function
  • increases the secretion of globulin, which binds human sex hormones
  • increase the concentration of estrogen with the systematic use of Clomid (it is necessary to distinguish the concept of blocking the action of estrogen and increasing their concentration)
  • can impair vision with long-term.

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