
Category: Anti-Oestrogens
Substance: Clomiphene citrate (Clomid)
Package: 50mg (10 pills)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma

SKU: 628 Category:


Clomid is a PCT after the course therapy, which should be used immediately after the termination of the course of steroids.

Using clomid, you quickly in your body restore the natural, natural production of your testosterone. Which, can be significantly suppressed on the cycle by the action of steroids.

Clomid is advisable to take only after the end of the course of steroids, when the effect of drugs ends and the pit may enter the hormonal system, this gap needs to be restored as soon as possible.

After a cycle of steroids in the body of an athlete, the phase of catabolism of muscle cells, their destruction and contraction, both in numbers and in their volumes, can begin actively.

This process partially reduces and absorbs the intake of clomid. It helps to preserve the structure of the typed muscle fiber, to make it more resistant to various influences.

Even after using high-quality oral steroids such as stanozolol   after the end of the course, take clomid for a qualitative restoration of the whole organism.

Clomid helps after application of strong steroids more smoothly and it is easy for your hormonal system to finish this type of course.

Dosage of clomid for bodybuilders

Clomid is taken only once a day. Specialists in the field of bodybuilding are advised to take it alone or in combination with anabolic steroids of low activity. Most bodybuilders take anabolic steroids for several months and then switch to clomid. The clomid provides a burst of testosterone. The exact time when you should start taking clomid is unknown. But there is a recommendation to start taking clomid 7-10 days after the end of taking the steroid medications.

Very many athletes and bodybuilders take clomid, but use different doses at the same time. Medical recommendations for taking this drug to those who are engaged in bodybuilding, does not exist. But the dosage was established by practical means. Most bodybuilders take clomiphene for two weeks, 50-100 mg per day. Some bodybuilders recommend increasing the dose to 100 mg per day. Do not take clomid for more than three weeks. This cyclicity was established by bodybuilders of the past. Since doctors do not recommend taking clomid to bodybuilders, it is very difficult to get a medical advice on taking this drug. In any case, if there are doubts about taking clomid, you can consult with specialists in the treatment of infertility: they know the effect of this drug best of all.

Side effects

If you take clomid for a short period of time and adhere to the indicated doses, then it is completely safe. Most of the adverse reactions caused by clomid are temporary and disappear after discontinuation of its use.

The main side effects include:

  • Flush of blood to the face
  • Discomfort in the abdomen
  • nausea, vomiting
  • Pain in the chest
  • headache
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding
  • General fatigue
  • hair loss

Clomid reviews

Clomid reviews often write and voice various power sports athletes are very supportive and positive. With the help of this after the course drug many bodybuilders very easily and smoothly get out of the course, without losing muscle mass and manifestations of all sorts of side effects and actions.

Reviews about clomid in many sources on the Internet with the correct use of the athlete will be uniquely positive.

With the help of FCT, the athlete is able to maintain the structure and volume of his muscles and avoid a lot of negative and unpleasant side effects, both on the course itself and after its termination.

After using  methandienone   as an example, the athlete will be suppressed in a certain amount of production of his natural testosterone.

This process after the end of this cycle should be tried gently and smoothly restored to the previous channel. For this, a clomid is needed. Which is used and drunk after strong anabolic and androgenic steroids.

Clomid reviews athletes will be on the positive with a quality application of this species after the course drug. You must always choose the original manufacturer of PBC, that it would give a real result and be able to perform all its proper functions with its influence.

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